Your karmic number interpretation tells you what you need to do in order to correct your actions from previous lives. It can also help provide invaluable instruction as to what to do so that you can reap the rewards of the seeds that you sow in this life.

The karmic number, which is created from the consonants in your name as it appeared on your birth certificate, can also reveal your deepest hopes, desires, fears and anxieties. This number is an indicator of the subconscious mind and it’s inner workings particularly when it comes to compulsive or irrational urges and behavior.

It is also the “you’re damned if you do and your damned if you don’t number.” It describes your Achilles heel and where you may be bound to go wrong in life even though you are well intentioned. It can also help you figure out why you may be achieving the opposite of what you want to achieve in life.

Before you continue, did you know that this article is “Day 17” of our 30 Day Numerology Challenge? Click here to get your free challenge pack download and start your journey to abundance, joy and light.

PinAnother interesting aspect of the karmic number is that it can give you an idea of how others see you when it comes to first impressions.

To divine your karmic number, you must first add together all of the letters of your full birth name.

For example, let’s take the example of actor Jennifer Aniston, whose full name is Jennifer Lynn Aniston.

Example – Calculating Your Karmic Number

Using the chart below we would take all of the consonants in her name and assign them the numerical equivalents as designated on the chart below.

A J S 1
B K T 2
C L U 3
D M V 4
E N W 5
F O X 6
G P Y 7
H Q Z 8
I R 9

Her name without the vowels reads as:

Jnnfr Lnn nstn

This adds up to

1+5+5+6+9+3+5+5+5+1+2+5 = 52

5+2 is reduced to a 7

Jennifer Aniston’s karmic number is seven.

Being a karmic number seven Aniston may have a lot of difficulty being understood. She may be a bad communicator, especially in a one on one relationship. The unfortunate thing here is that because number sevens are so bright they are almost always right. Unfortunately, the truth that they uncover about situations is usually very painful.

A seven’s life is also sometimes marked by introversion and a dislike of being in the public eye. Many of them also feel superior to the masses. This would make the beneficent Angelina Jolie, who relates well to people of all walks of life, a very mysterious and formidable foe for Aniston.

PinSevens who find themselves in a situation that publicly humiliates them as Aniston has been by the love triangle between her husband Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie do not easily recover. As sevens are very delicate individuals who are very sensitive there is no doubt that Aniston is really hurt by the failure of her marriage. Sevens also have very rich imaginations so there is no doubt that she is tortured by the memory of her lost love.

Typical of many sevens, Aniston has also been fated to have a difficult relationship with one parent, in this case her mother, who she is currently estranged from. Sometimes these difficulties can also cause riffs in their personal lives as adults.

This was certainly true of Aniston’s relationship with Brad Pitt. True to the “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” element of the number seven karmic number, Aniston may have let her family problems influence her potential to have her own family as her husband was distressed by her inability to get along with her mother. In this case her insecurity and fear of her own family may have repelled her ultimate objective – to live happily ever after with Brad Pitt.

Number sevens can also naturally seem very selfish or self-centered. This is a reaction to what they perceive as a lack of support and understanding in their lives from day one. When the facts are not supporting their inner reality a seven will often retreat into work or shut off emotionally completely.

When traumatized by a bad experience with a relationship, it would be typical of a seven to escape into their own little world. As sevens are usually very emotionally complex and have relationships that are often overly influenced by a difficult childhood or past, it is very probable that Jennifer Aniston may find it nearly impossible to put all of her trust in a partner again.

Click on a Number for a Quick Karmic Number Reading!



Success, accomplishment, and achievement are your ego’s needs, but most of all, you need to be successful in your higher mission. Pay your karmic debt by taking a pause in your daily rush and be a mentor, guide, or coach to someone who may need it.

Read more about Karmic number 1 here!


You must realize that self-love and self-care are critical so you can fulfill your goals even better.   Learn to let go of negative emotions and learn the difficult lessons of what it means to be truly free.

Read more about Karmic number 2 here!


Fulfill your soul’s urge and do art for art’s sake, and your financial gains will come.   Choose the high road at all times and know that the trait of kindness brings its rewards.

Read more about Karmic number 3 here!


Strive for inner balance, and you will get the energy to fulfill the goals that trigger your passion and zeal.  Strengthen your mind, body, and spiritual life before you battle it out in all the areas where you want to settle karmic debt. You know you can do the hard wok and is not one to do shortcuts.

Read more about Karmic number 4 here!


Share the stage with other people since everybody has a right to be heard and express themselves.  You are amazing when dealing with the public, but you may need to exert some effort to develop real empathy.

Read more about Karmic number 5 here!


You are a great nurturer, but you may be covertly critical.  Tamp down your perfectionist streak and accept others as they are.  Know what it means to love truly!

Read more about Karmic number 6 here!


Being a humanitarian and extending a helping hand to those you consider your exact opposite may be extremely challenging.  However, doing a 360-degree turn of simultaneously getting out of your tough shell and being more compassionate will make the karmic gods smile down at you.

Read more about Karmic number 7 here!


Tune out other people’s negative comments since it has no major significance to your plans and strategies in life.  March to your drummer and do whatever it takes to be a success.  When you do succeed, and the dollars start flowing into your bank account, remember to deposit a percentage of it to charity!

Read more about Karmic number 8 here!


Simply having faith that the universe is a beautiful and benevolent ecosystem can bring you great rewards on a soul level.  Practice the virtues that will make you a trustworthy person and, on the other side of the spectrum, learn to trust others as well.

Read more about Karmic number 9 here!


It may be a little difficult, but if you have a little more faith in your intuition instead of your dictatorial right brain, you may be gaining access to a higher consciousness that will be of help to yourself and others.  Stay positive since what you think and imagine attracts similar energy.

Read more about Karmic number 11 here!


You have the power to turn dreams into reality, so be mindful of your thoughts.  When you think of only the good and the positive, you can eventually turn what’s in your head into actionable results!

Read more about Karmic number 22 here!

In Conclusion…

Your karmic debt can be a puzzle because it functions beyond the rational and requires the heart and soul’s involvement.  We are given the opportunity of rebirth so it is crucial to apply sincerity and discernment in all our actions to settle karmic debt and not to misuse our power.  As you figure out your life path with the help of numerology numbers, your karmic truth will unravel.



Ready to Discover The Secret To Decoding Your Karma?

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