What is the Chaldean system and how could it help you? We answer that question and more in this in-depth look into one of the lesser-known forms of numerology.

There are three key types of numerology practiced in the west:

  • Pythagorean
  • Kabbalistic
  • Chaldean

In the east there are two types of systems:

  • Chinese Numerology
  • Abjad Numerals

Pythagorean numerology is perhaps the most well-known. It’s the one that most numerologists use. We’ll go into detail on it a little later, but this type forms the basis of most numerology discussions today.

The Kabbalistic system focuses primarily on internal knowing over physical experience. Those who follow this branch believe in elevating their sense of awareness to improve their knowledge. Kabbalah uses the person’s name and matches it with the Hebrew alphabet. The name sounds are analyzed and tell how it affects actions and feelings.

Chinese numerology believes that numbers are either lucky or unlucky.   Luck is a vital concept in eastern culture; it is related to fate and destiny.  When names and words are uttered out loud, meanings are derived. Thus, if a number sounds like a word that is considered lucky, it will have a lucky meaning.

Abjad numerals assign values to the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet. In the Abjad system, the first Arabic letter, alif, is assigned the number 1. The second letter, bā’, is used to represent 2, and so on. Arabic numerologists use the assigned values to foretell the future and explain the past.

In this article, we will be discussing the Chaldean method

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What is Chaldean Numerology?

Chaldean numbers and the systems attached to them are rooted in the ancient Babylonian culture. The key to this system is that it doesn’t use logic to assign numbers to letters. Instead, it relies on the sound and vibration of the letter to help with the assignment of a number.

The system itself uses the numbers 1 to 8 when calculating name numerology, while 9 is excluded because it is a sacred number. When casting the numerology chart, you’ll use several of these single-digit numbers to create a compound number.

The system helps you discover the meaning behind both your name and birth date. This information can help you discover your life path.

Before digging into how you do this, let’s look at the history behind this numerology system.

Where Does Chaldean Numerology Come From?

Chaldean numerology was practiced in ancient Babylonian society. The Chaldeans were an ancient people who controlled Babylonia for nearly 100 years. Their reign lasted from 625 BC to 539 BC. Though this may seem like a short period, it was more than enough time for this numerology system to become popular.

Many point to the Chaldean system as the first type of numerology. Some say it stretches back over 5,000 years, long before the Chaldeans ruled over Babylon. This would also mean that it predates the Pythagorean system by several thousand years.

In fact, some scholars suggest that the Pythagorean system only exists because of Chaldean numerology. When Alexander conquered Babylon, the ancient Greeks gained access to this system. From there, they tinkered with it to create the Pythagorean system we’re familiar with today.

With the establishment of the Pythagorean system, the Chaldean system almost died out. It still had some practitioners, but the Pythagorean system became the dominant force for thousands of years.

However, the 19th century brought with it a resurgence of interest in Chaldean numerology. Mystics and occultists from this era unearthed a set of books, called oracles, that told them more about the system. Many studied these books and followed Chaldean numerology in favor of Pythagorean. This allowed the near-dead system to return, though not to the level of popularity it once had.

What are the Differences Between Chaldean and Pythagorean Numerology?

We’ve explained how Pythagorean numerology may have evolved from the Chaldean system. But we’ve yet to dig into the real differences between the two.

In this section, we’re going to look at what separates the two branches.

Difference #1 – The Origins

We’ve discussed the origin of Chaldean numerology above.

Pythagorean numerology finds its roots in ancient Greece. Specifically, it’s said that the Greek mathematician Pythagoras invented it. You may recognize that name from math classes, where you used the Pythagorean theorem to study the geometry of triangles. But many people don’t realize that Pythagoras was also a philosopher who had a deep interest in the stars.

Pythagoras’ theory of numerology has a more logical structure than the Chaldean theory. He began by looking at how numbers relate to different musical notes. From there, the system grew in a more linear fashion than the Chaldean method. This, in turn, stripped away some of the more mystical aspects of the Chaldean system.

Difference #2 – How Letters get Converted into Numbers

In Pythagorean numerology, each letter of the alphabet links to a single-digit number. In keeping with the logical approach, these numbers get assigned in order. For example, A=1, B=2, and so on. Upon reaching I=9, the assigning of numbers resets so that J=1.

The Chaldean system follows a completely different structure. Though it follows the same path as Pythagorean numbers from A to E, the logical progression stops at this point.

In this system, the letters assigned to the numbers are as follows:

1 = A, I, J, Q, Y

2 = B, K, R

3 = C, G, L, S

4 = D, M, T

5 = E, H, N, X

6 = U, V, W

7 = O, Z

8 = F, P

Users of this system say that letters get assigned to the numbers in accordance to their vibrations. In other words, the sound of the letter is more important than logic when designating its number.

You will also notice that the Chaldean system does not use the number 9. That’s because the number was of significant importance in Chaldean culture.

We’ll dig into the meanings behind each of these numbers a little later.

The Chaldean and Pythagorean systems do agree on one thing. Interestingly, both systems have the same set of master numbers – 11, 22, and 33. If a calculation comes out to a master number, it doesn’t get reduced further. In both types of numerology, these numbers hold intense power, for good or evil.

But that’s where the agreement ends. There are differences in how the numbers get reduced.

In Pythagorean numerology, the goal is to get down to a single number for an entire name. But in Chaldean numerology, each name has its own number. These numbers are then read individually to help determine the subject’s life path.

Finally, we come back to the logical aspect of the Pythagorean system. Because the numbers are assigned to the letters of the alphabet in a linear order, it’s easier to transfer them over to other alphabets. This means you can use the system for non-English alphabets, such as Cyrillic. The less-structured Chaldean numerology makes it harder to transfer to other languages.

Difference #3 – The Use of the Name

Both systems use the subject’s name as part of a numerology reading. But they differ in terms of the exact name that they use.

The Pythagorean system only uses the name found on your birth certificate. This means that your reading won’t change if you use a different name in your daily life. It will change if you’ve gotten married, though, as this represents a major life change.

The Chaldean system uses the name you go by right now. This may be the same as the one on your birth certificate. However, it’s also possible to get a Chaldean reading for a nickname, a set of initials, or any other moniker you go by. The key is that it’s the name you’re using at the time of the reading. That’s because the name you’re using is the most accurate representation of who you are at this point in your life.

Think of it like this…

With the vibration of the letter being so important in Chaldean numerology, how important can an unused name be? If no one ever calls you by that name, those sounds are never spoken, so their vibration doesn’t get attached to you.

That old name no longer affects your life, certainly not to the extent that your new name does. As such, calculating your numerology using an old name may blind you to the vibrational influences occurring in your life right now.

Difference #4 – The Meanings of the Numbers

Another key difference is that each type of numerology assigns different meanings to its numbers.

Again, we’ll dig into the specifics for Chaldean numerology a little later. But the key is that the Chaldean system’s numbers are more fluid in their meanings, compared to the Pythagorean system.

Difference #5 – Birth Date Calculations

In both systems, the birth number is the second most important number, after the name.

However, there are differences in how it’s calculated.

The Pythagorean system uses the full birth date, which includes the day, month, and year. This makes the calculation more complex.

In the Chaldean system, you only use your birthday number. For example, if you’re born on the 31st of October, you’ll use the number 31 in your calculations. This reduces to 4, which is your birth number.

Difference #6 – Cosmic vs Natal Numerology

The Pythagorean and Chaldean numerology systems are also applied in different ways.

When Pythagoras created his system, he had a deep interest in the stars and the planets. His goal was to analyze the movement of these external systems. And from there, his numerology analyzed the effects of external energies on each planet.

In other words, he focused more on Earth’s relationship to the stars than he did on people. We refer to this as cosmic numerology. Some numerologists argue that this makes his system less effective for reading individual beings.

The Chaldean system focuses more on the individual than it does on the cosmos. We refer to this as natal numerology. It addresses the influences external forces have on single beings, rather than the entire planet.

This being the case, proponents argue that it is a far more accurate system for working out the patterns that influence your life.

Difference #7 – The Use of Compound Numbers

The Chaldean system also places much deeper importance on compound numbers. We’ll go into more detail on this in the next section. However, the key thing here is that this allows the system to provide a more detailed look into your personality.

How Does Chaldean Numerology Work?

In a moment, we’re going to look at how to conduct a numerology reading using the Chaldean system.

But before we do that, we need to look at what the different numbers represent. We’re going to break this down into the single-digit numbers and the compound numbers.

Explaining the Single-Digit Numbers

As we said before, the Chaldean meanings attached to the single-digit numbers are fairly fluid. Their exact influence may change depending on which name they’re ascribed to. For example, a 3 for your first name may have a different effect than the same number for your middle name.

However, there are some common meanings ascribed to each of the numbers, which we’ll discuss below:

Number 1

Being the first true number, it’s natural that this is a power number. It’s associated with leadership skills and a deep source of energy. Somebody who gets a 1 in their reading will likely be an ambitious person who can inspire others. This type of person will probably want to take charge of almost any situation they find themselves in.

The downside to this energy is that such people can become overbearing. When power becomes more important than leadership, this number can have a negative effect.

Number 2

This number is all about harmony and balance. People who have this number are highly capable of working with others to find solutions. This makes it easier for them to form stable and strong relationships. Such people are also very keen to help others in whatever way they can. As such, the number 2 may represent a deeper attachment to social causes.

Of course, this openness and desire to help can also get exploited. Self-serving people may take advantage of those who have this number to achieve their own goals.

Number 3

The number 3 represents the mind, spirit, and body. These are the three things that guide us through everything in our lives. Those who have this number tend to lean towards the creative side of things. In other words, they can take something from the imaginary world and turn it into something physical and tangible.

However, such people can have a hard time slowing down. With such active minds, they’re prone to burnout because they struggle to take time for themselves. Self-reflection is often a challenge for those who have this number.

Number 4

Stability is the most important word when it comes to this number. Just think of the four legs of a chair or the four points of a compass. This number indicates a logical personality. This allows the person to stay grounded during emotional situations. Such a person is capable of analyzing situations and does not allow their emotions to dictate their choices. They’re also keen on routine and will sometimes be sticklers for the rules.

Though dependable, such a person may also be quite risk-averse. This means they may find it quite challenging to make important changes in their lives.

Number 5

This number directly relates to the five elements:






Those who have this number tend to be able to change quickly, which makes them the opposite of those with the number 4. But 5s are also capable of managing this change. They’re flexible, multi-talented, and can usually adapt to any situation they find themselves in.

Those with this number enjoy having the freedom to make their own choices in life.

However, people with this number can find it difficult to focus. They might end up as a “jack of all trades, master of none.” In relationships, people with this number can struggle with commitment, especially when a more attractive change is on the horizon.

Number 6

This is the number that’s most closely associated with a peaceful nature. Those with this number tend to get on well with others and are not fans of conflict. They’re also capable of seeing all sides of any issue. As such, their friends will often see them as the “wise” one who offers great advice.

Of course, this non-confrontational nature can have its downsides. Someone with this number may avoid conflict to the point where it’s detrimental to them. Worse yet, they may struggle to help themselves because they spend so much time helping others.

Number 7

If you squint just a little, you may see the resemblance between 7 and a question mark. That’s a pretty big indicator of the personality type for this number. Such people are inquisitive types. They ask a lot of questions, and they’re always trying to find out how things work. This means they’re analytical by nature, so they learn quickly and effectively.

Those with this number may find success in a technical field where rationality is key. When it comes to dealing with people, though, they may struggle to open themselves fully to others. After all, when you question everything, how can you truly trust anybody? Number 7s may have deeper challenges with relationships and issues of faith than people with other numbers.

Number 8

In the Chaldean system, the loops of this number represent the astral and physical planes. But many numerologists also interpret them in other ways. For example, some may see them as money and happiness. The key here is that the circles touch without overlapping. This shows a union between two disparate aspects or philosophies.

Those who have this number face a constant struggle to maintain that union. It’s often the case that they will focus on one aspect of something to the detriment of the other. If a number 8 can achieve mastery of both circles, they can tap into almost boundless potential.

Number 9

Though 9 has no letters ascribed to it, there’s still a possibility that a person could have a 9 in their reading. As the most important number in the Chaldean system, 9 represents a deep sense of spirituality. Those with this number tend to lean away from logic. They will favor creativity over set rules and may even prefer chaos to control.

Such people are capable of a level of transcendence that most others cannot match. They also face much deeper risks. For every 9 who achieves amazing things, there is another who has hit rock bottom. Those with this number pour all they have into what they do. With this single-minded attitude, there’s rarely a middle ground when it comes to their results.

Calculating Your Name and Birth Numbers

Now that we’ve established the significance of the single-digit numbers, it’s time to calculate your numerological chart.

The numbers that come from your name and day of birth are the most important. Let’s look at each individually.


Before looking at an example, it’s important to know what each of your names represents. Let’s assume you have a first, middle, and last name. Each of these names influences a different part of your personality, as follows:

First Name – This focuses primarily on your interests and personal habits.

Middle Name – This is your soul energy and will often reveal your hidden talents and deepest desires.

Last Name – This highlights the influence your friends and family have on your personality.

Each of these names has its own number, thus creating a more detailed overview of who you are.

Let’s look at an example for the following name – Leonard James Compton.

For this name, we’ll use the chart we showed earlier:

1 = A, I, J, Q, Y

2 = B, K, R

3 = C, G, L, S

4 = D, M, T

5 = E, H, N, X

6 = U, V, W

7 = O, Z

8 = F, P

Here’s how you calculate the single-digit number attached to each name:


3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 7 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 79

7 + 9 = 16

1 + 6 = 7

So, our subject has an inquisitive nature that will lead them towards the more logical side of life. Leonard will want to know the answer to every question, though he may find it hard to build relationships.

But there’s an added wrinkle…

The Change in a Name

Let’s say that Leonard actually doesn’t like to use his given name. Instead, he goes by Lenny.

That may change his number under the Chaldean system. In this case, you’d use the following calculation:


3 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 1+ 1 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 7 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 71

7+ 1 = 8

Now, the subject has the number 8 as a result of his name preference. This indicates that he may struggle to find balance in his life. But if he can get things right, he’ll have access to remarkable opportunities.

Of course, any other changes to the name will require a new calculation. If Lenny becomes a famous baseball player, known by the nickname “Slugger,” you’d do a different calculation again.

Bringing Compound Numbers into Play

Chaldean numerology aims to look deeper into the personality of the subject than any other form of numerology.

That’s where compound numbers come into play. A higher reading will involve calculating these numbers to learn more about the subject.

Let’s stick with the Leonard James Compton example that we started with.

We already have one compound number from the above calculations – 79.

This is the number that we got from adding all of the numbers associated with the letters in the full name.

However, we can get more compound numbers from looking at the individual names in the example.

This goes as follows:


3 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 27


1 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 3 = 14


3 + 7 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 38

Now, we have four compound numbers to work with:

  • 79
  • 27
  • 14
  • 38

Each of these numbers has its own meaning, which will mesh with that of the single-digit number. In this case:

The number 79 denotes a desire to accumulate knowledge, often for the betterment of others. This indicates an ability to learn and read other people’s emotions. Those with this number are often empathetic people, though they lean towards scientific pursuits.

With 27, we have a number that is associated with creative leadership. Such people like to pursue new ideas. However, they can be sticklers for their own vision and don’t appreciate others trying to take the reins from them.

The number 14 often indicates someone who is very good with money. This person may feel well-suited to running a business. With the right numbers elsewhere, the 14 could influence somebody into becoming an entrepreneur.

Finally, 38 denotes a well-balanced individual who’s capable of getting along with anybody. This number has very positive traits, which means those who have it don’t let themselves stay down in the dumps for long.

As you can see, we now have a more in-depth vision of our example’s personality and potential life path.

Leonard’s main number – 7 – makes him an inquisitive person who likes to learn. This meshes well with his first compound number, which accentuates his desire to gain knowledge. The 79 also adds an emotionally-aware side to Leonard that many 7s lack.

The 27 imbues Leonard with leadership qualities and points him towards creative fields. This number could also help with work in a technical field, where creativity is often paramount.

Those leadership qualities feed well into the number 14. From this reading, it’s possible that Leonard will found a business and do very well with it. And thanks to the 38 in his reading, he won’t struggle to network or get people to follow him.

All told, this reading suggests that there are likely many good things in our example’s future. His single-digit and compound numbers complement each other well.

The Birthday Number

As mentioned, Chaldean numerology values the birthday over the specific date.

Let’s assume that Leonard has the birth date of October 31, 1989.

It’s the 31 that we’re interested in here. You reduce this number as follows:

3 + 1 = 4

This prominent 4 lends another layer of stability and logic to Leonard James Compton’s personality. Given his other numbers, this will likely again serve him well, at least in a business environment.

A Word on Master Numbers

The use of compound numbers in Chaldean numerology makes it more likely that you’ll hit a Master Number.

These are 11, 22, and 33.

It may help to understand the deeper meanings behind each of these numbers. After all, they’ll have a more profound impact on a person’s life path than any other number.

Number 11

This number links to a deep sense of intuition. Such people may have the ability to make good decisions from their gut feeling alone. This can lead to them forgoing more logical explorations of complex issues.

The key with an 11 is that there needs to be a focus to drive it. In that case, a powerful sense of intuition can prove beneficial. Without that focus, intuition can give way to overwhelming feelings of anxiety and fear.

Number 22

Many believe that this number holds more power than any other.

A lot of challenges may await those who have this number. It can lead to a lack of balance and focus, which may derail the individual. However, having other numbers that offer a greater degree of focus can turn 22 to the person’s advantage.

Those with this number tend to have big goals. But they need to have compatible numbers elsewhere to realize them.

Number 33

This may be the number that has the most positive bias of the three. There’s a wisdom attached to 33 that often isn’t present with 11 or 22. That means the individual doesn’t struggle with finding balance as much as they might in other circumstances.

Those with this number tend to lead more harmonious and happy lives.

Is the Chaldean System Right for You?

There are many differences between Chaldean and Pythagorean numerology. You may want to explore this less-popular branch to learn more about yourself.

We’d say to go right ahead.

It’s important to emphasize that no one numerology system is better than another. Each one has its own unique value and can teach us a lot about who we are and what paths we must follow.

Different systems can prove more or less useful depending on the situation. In the end, it may be a personal preference that makes the choice for you.

Perhaps you’ve already explored Chaldean numerology. What did it tell you about yourself and your life path? Would you recommend that others try it? Let us know in the comments section below.

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