Infinite Possibilities is about opening your awareness to dream bigger, to take the limits off of how far you believe you can go as you take actions in the direction of living your soul purpose. Too many of us have created our own ‘glass ceiling’ in our belief system for what we can achieve, which causes us to back away from opportunities.
This oracle also reminds you that you are the one that has to make it happen. What you focus on increases, and if you choose to see possibilities that is what the universe will mirror back to you. However, the opposite is also true.
This crystal grid opens your communication channels allowing you to ask and call forth the universe to match your desires with your soul purpose. The amethysts support you in making intuitive decisions in alignment with your soul purpose.
The flower shapes in the grid represent the expansion available as the bigger you dream the bigger the possibility of impact your ideas will have in the world.
To fully integrate this clearing, feel into the one action you can take to move you forward and set the intention to take that action immediately.