Here we are in November!
For most of this month we are under the influence of Scorpio, the sign of death, rebirth and transformation.
And we are indeed in a time when the potential for transformation is strong!
Here is a tarot & oracle reading to give us some insights on how to navigate the weeks ahead, and harness these current energies to our benefit…
Tarot Reading for November 2017:
- The Star
- 4 of Cups
- The Magician
Some keywords: Healing, Purification, Old Wounds, Limiting Beliefs, Manifestation
This is a good month for addressing our stagnation – any ways that we have been stuck or blocked, so that we may then move forward as creators.
This could be about old wounds and needing to release the past. And for some of us, this could more specifically be about our home life in our youth and/or mothers. Limiting beliefs may be a relevant theme, and this may be rooted in something from the past.
This is a great time for healing and purification.
You could bring white lilies into your home or garden, or take it as a flower essence to facilitate this process, but this is not the only thing you could do. You could also do a deep cleaning of your home, or reflect on old grievances towards yourself and/or others that you could forgive. You could also even delve into exploring your family line (perhaps specifically your maternal line) and/or past lives. There are other options, of course, so please feel into what would be appropriate for you.
Most of the cards are from the Major Arcana, indicating that this is a big month! The Star made its appearance last month, and here it is again. It is signifying the healing, purification and restoration of our truth and faith in ourselves to come to. It also signifies the support and blessings from the Divine realms that is here for us at this time. The Magician is signifying manifestation that can be done, once we are more cleared and have mastered our thoughts and beliefs.
From “The Goddess Oracle” deck by Amy Sophia Marashinsky:
“I am what I think
my life is shaped and formed
by what I tell myself
Who I am in the world
is who I think I am
What I have in the world
is what I think I can have
The contents of my mind
are what I choose
I discard, cut out, drop
that which doesn’t contribute
What others believe about me
is their story
It tells more about what they think
than who I am
In my journey
I make sure that what I carry
is of my own careful choosing
and serves me well.”
Minerva is our goddess guide for November, and her message for us is to be aware of our beliefs, and to let go of those that are not serving us. A belief is something that we think over and over- even subconscious ones. We can choose our thoughts and create from that foundation.
The owl is an animal linked to Minerva, and with its piercing eyes, it can be our guide in the dark. As mentioned before, most of this month the Sun is in Scorpio – a sign of darkness and death.
The olive tree is also linked to Minerva, and it is a sacred plant linked to healing and peace. If you’d like, you could also work with this tree and any of its components for its benefits this month.
Thank you so much for reading, and wishing you a deeply transformative, healing and empowering month ahead!