This week’s Angel Messages are all about LOVE & FEAR. What are you choosing? Are you choosing love for fear?

Place one or both of your hands over your heart and invite your angels to guide you to either MESSAGE 1, 2, or 3 to receive a message from their heart to yours. I’d LOVE to know how the messages speak to you and please share and pass on the ANGEL’S LOVE to your friends by gifting them with a message too. Thank you!


  • Angel Message #1 – 1:21
  • Angel Message #2 – 3:30
  • Angel Message #3 – 6:12

Let me know if the comments whether your message resonated with you. Plus, make sure you subscribe to the Numerologist.com YouTube channel for notifications of new Angel Message videos every week!

Angel Message #1

Eight of Cups

You may have a fear of rejection or think that something that hasn’t worked before, won’t work again. Your Angels are here to let you know that it’s time to let go of your fear and create the LOVE that is all around you.

If there’s fear that’s there, or something precious you’ve lost, you need to remember all of the things that you’ve gained. See the positive in the experience and allow yourself to step into a new adventure.

Angel Message #2

The Lovers

Archangel Chamuel rules this message. You must understand that if you have something that you’re afraid of losing, it takes away the beauty of having it in your life in the first place. There’s a strong energy of something starting here, but if you fear failure, you’re not going to be able to set yourself for success.

There’s so much fun, passion and adventure that’s awaiting. If there’s not something particularly external in this message for you, it could involve your relationship with yourself – you’re being protected and supported by your guides.

Don’t allow yourself to fear your passion, or that it won’t manifest in the way that you want it to. Be fearless and embrace what is waiting for you.

Angel Message #3

Archangel Metatron

You must let go of judgment, fear and resentment, and embrace all possibilities. There’s a feeling of waiting for the right time, the right environment, relationship etc. The waiting is holding you back, but now is the time you’re at your most powerful. NOW is the time, so what are you waiting for?

Your angels are encouraging you and inviting you to take the next step. There is a fear of taking the risk here, but you should open yourself up to the possibility of failure and except that that is what you may need to go through. Your angels will help you achieve what you most want, even if it’s not in the way you expect.

You may be feeling very vulnerable, particularly around your emotions, but you just need to see the truth – ask your angels and they will reveal the truth.