This week’s Angel Messages are all about your career.

Place one or both of your hands over your heart and invite your angels to guide you to either MESSAGE 1, 2, or 3 to receive a message from their heart to yours. I’d LOVE to know how the messages speak to you and please share and pass on the ANGEL’S LOVE to your friends by gifting them with a message too. Thank you!


  • Angel Message #1 – 1:17
  • Angel Message #2 – 5:35
  • Angel Message #3 – 9:53

Let me know if the comments whether your message resonated with you. Plus, make sure you subscribe to the Numerologist.com YouTube channel for notifications of new Angel Message videos every week!

PinAngel Message #1

Writers Group

Create or join a writers’ group to gain inspiration, friendship & support.

The orange here represents a highly creative, yet highly emotional time. You’re being inspired right now. It may be that you have not been inspired recently, maybe you’ve been disheartened with the path your career is currently taking. The grey energy is almost a cloud that has been hanging over you, but the orange is trying to lift that.

It could be that you’re not listening to your intuition. Your soul and your gut is telling you the right direction, so you need to listen.

This card is “Writers’ Group” but it feels like the writing here comes in the form of you writing down your goals and where you want to go in your life. Use your ability to use your words and get clarity on what you need, or don’t need. Write what’s blocking you at this moment and write where you want to be in 5 years time.

PinAngel Message #2

Time Management

Place your priorities on the top of your to-do list and don’t allow distractions to deter your focus.

You need to make time for things; make a to-do list and focus on getting things done. There’s also a sense of communication here but there’s almost something missing too.

Part of your time management is making time for your spirit, and making time for your soul.


PinAngel Message #3


Pray for guidance as to how to increase your enthusiasm for, and focus on this project.

If you just don’t have the motivation right now, ask your Angels for help. Red is movement forward, blue is expression, white is connection to your guides and this card has all three colors.

You’re being asked to focus and take time for one thing at a time! Don’t try to do everything all at once: it will deplete your motivation.