The Life Path is determined by the sum that is arrived at after reducing your birth date by adding digits together. This number represents the traits and talents that you were born with and the probable journey you will take during your lifetime.
First convert the month you were born in to a single number. Let’s use Angelina Jolie Voight who was born in June 4, 1975 as an example.
First convert the month to a single number or master number. Note that when calculating months, double digit months such as September, October November and December do not reduce down to a single digit. For example November which is the 11th month equates to the number 2 after you add 1+1 together.
Angelina Jolie’s birthday does not reduce down to a single digit. Her birth month is the sixth month of the year. Her month number is 6.
Your next step is to convert your day of birth to a single digit. For instance, if you were born on the 17th then you would add 1 and 7 together to reduce the number to 8. If you were born on the 29th you would reduce to the master number 11. In that case, further reduce the number to 1.
Angelina Jolie’s birthday does not have to be reduced as she was born on the 4rth, so her number is 4.
Next, add the total digits of the birth year and reduce them to a single number. Jolie’s birth year is 1975 so you would add 1+9+7+5 to arrive at a sum that represents the year number. In Jolie’s case the year is the master number 22. This would be reduced to simply 2.
Now add the month sum, birth sum and year sum together. For Jolie it would be:
6+4+2 = 12
If you get a double digit, as is the case with Angelina Jolie, reduce the number down further.
1+2 =3
Angelina Jolie’s Life Path number is a 3.
Reduce your own birthday down to a single number and then find the interpretation below that describes your journey. Those configurations that also result in a master number such as 11, 22 or 33 should read the life path prediction for that number as well. For instance if your birthday reduces to 22 and then down to a 4, then you should read the interoperations for both the numbers 4 and 22.